
Sacred Ground Brings Transformation

Until Bill Hughes of St. Stephen’s, Terre Haute participated in Sacred Ground for the first time, he had never learned about the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921. “I had what I thought was an excellent public school education, and went on to earn multiple degrees, and I had never heard or read anything about the destruction that took place that day,” Hughes said.

Hughes is one of more than 169 people across the Diocese of Indianapolis who have participated in Sacred Ground, a faith-based series of conversations originally designed to help white people talk with other white people about race and racism. Canon Mariann Scott, Canon for the Circle at Christ Church Cathedral, and the Rev. Deacon Cathy Scott began facilitating Sacred Ground as an online offering in September of 2020.

“We decided to lead in order to foster a deeper awareness of racial issues and reconciliation in the Diocese,” Canon Mariann Scott shared. “We wanted to also facilitate the creation of other Sacred Ground groups in our participants’ own parishes as a way of starting a groundswell of the program. We have led seven rounds to date.”

In reflecting on her experience of Sacred Ground, Deacon Cathy Scott offered: “Through participating as a learner and now as a co-facilitator, my takeaway is that…we are all learning from history, current events, and each other as we strive to live out the dream of beloved community and our Baptismal Covenant.”

Wendy Curto of St. John’s, Speedway participated in Sacred Ground in 2021. “Canon Mariann and Deacon Cathy did outstanding work in preparing and facilitating this workshop. The honest sharing of thoughts and feelings in the small group sessions provided valuable, though sometimes difficult, insights,” she offered. Vicki Mansfield of St. Matthew’s, Indianapolis also experienced growth in understanding, and a deepening of faith. “My acceptance broadened, and internal barriers were removed,” she shared.

Crystal Black of St. Matthew’s, Indianapolis was already aware of some of the difficulty that people of color face, but she “had not learned the full historic context that…led us to the struggle today.” She experienced Sacred Ground as a safe place to learn.

Judy Noggle of Grace, Muncie participated in Sacred Ground first at St. Timothy’s, Indianapolis. She chose to take part a second time through the online diocesan offering. “I am able to see and listen better,” she said, adding that what she learned has motivated her to take action from a place of faith. Stephanie Denson of St. Paul’s, Indianapolis shared a similar insight: “I show up differently in the world because of Sacred Ground,” she wrote.

After participating in the online offering, Bill Hughes knew he wanted to do more. He is now facilitating an online Sacred Ground offering, in partnership with the Sisters of Providence, that includes 38 participants. When asked about how his faith has grown as a result of this work, Hughes responded: “I am much more contemplative now…I take a deep breath, and try to have compassion for people.”

Deacon Cathy and Canon Mariann are mid-way through their current series of Sacred Ground. Contact Deacon Cathy with questions, or to learn about the next offering.

© 2021 Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis