
Discernment to Explore Reunification

Dear ones,

After more than a year of discussions with our diocesan Standing Committee, Executive Council, and Bishop Doug Sparks of The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana, I want to share that we are beginning a discernment process to explore the possibility of reunifying as one single diocese and Episcopal presence in the state of Indiana.

Bishop Sparks and I have maintained a close working relationship since the beginning of my episcopate in 2017 and since then, our dioceses have enjoyed sharing in ministry in a variety of ways. The idea of exploring possible reunification pre-dates both me and Bishop Doug and now seems the right time to discern this possibility with care and intention.

In late 2021 we held some initial conversations with our respective staffs and after discussions with our governing bodies the next appropriate thing is to bring this question to the broader diocese. We do not have many details to share at this time but the video announcement that Bishop Doug and I have made will briefly explain how we arrived here. There is much more to come as we discern what the Holy Spirit may be doing in our midst and I look forward to being on this journey with you.


Bishop Jennifer

© 2021 Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis